Finishing touch DSO Challenge

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I thought this was super cute.

I *think* I already have the paper on the Finishing Touch challenge BG from a kit. It looked awfully familiar anyway.

Anyway, here was my submission for it.

I was scared to start submitting for challenges, but I did like the last day :X hahahaha.

March Lyric Challenge

Monday, March 9, 2009

I did this too. I am having fun doing this because I don't have to think about why I want to make something, since there is already a reason!
I love that silly little picture frame. I am going to use it FOREVER!
So yeah, check out DSO for Marches Challenges.

New layout: Main Blog

I redid my main 'everything else goes here' blog -- self titled "thats what she said".

I think it is pretty anyway.

Also, I finally did my first challenge over at DSO. I have just accepted, if I did it wrong -- I will learn. I did the template challenge, I used Willy since I have a bajillion pictures of him.

Here is a preview of what I did for the challenge.
So, anyway. The little "how do I love thee" writings on this was from a cute little set of sayings that would parody "how do I love thee -- let me count the ways". It was cute and made me laugh and was entirely appropriate for this dog.

The poor fella came in the house last night after playing outside ALL day limping. I was worried, particularly because we have a really huge unexpected expense and I am praying that Willy did not seriously hurt himself. I felt his leg, moved it around, put pressure on it and he never did so much as bat an eye, but he carried his leg most of the night. When we woke up this morning to another beautiful day, he was not limping so I was relieved. After spending a good part of the day outside again, he came in limping again and I went through my meticulous exam again and still found nothing. I am hoping its just a pulled muscle, but the next couple days should reveal whether or not I need to take him to the vet.

Our unexpected large expense is this: As new home owners, we have been here just over a year now, we had no clue what to expect our water bills to be. We don't leave water running, we have a energy/water efficient washing machine, we keep our showers short..and our water bill keeps climbing and climbing. With just the two of us here, our bill has doubled from this time last year. We have a leak. Basically, during the time our house was built -- a blue plastic pipe was quite the popular choice which resulted in billions of dollars in a lawsuit years later. We, unfortunately cannot take a stake in this claim because the house is almost 20 years old and the law suit says you can be reimbursed if the pipe was replaced within 10 years of original placement. So...this sucks for us, particularly because our water meter is all the way across our yard, so they have to trench across most of our yard to lay in new lines and get rid of this blue poly pex junk. We have a monster puddle outside and when the plumber dug up where the line connects to the house, it instantly filled with water.

The good news: Because we are first time home owners, we can claim to be kind of dumb (which is true in this case). We can take our repair receipt to the water company and they will supposedly credit us back to a normal rate for the time where the water bill first started climbing.

Just to give you an idea, our last water bill was $120. So, maybe we won't have to pay for water for a little while.

In any event, this is unexpected and expensive, we spent the weekend getting quotes on the repair. *sigh*

In any event, things are going well for us other than that. I had an excellent job interview which may be promising. After my interview I was sent off to take a drug test at a lab and signed some papers to have a background check done, soooo I am hoping that I get a good call soon because some good news would be great right now.

Good grief...all this because I posted my DSO challenge.

Reply to Renee's Tag.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I don't usually fill out these things, but I like this one (especially since I looked and saw what pic it was LOL).My poor dog is fearful of loud rumbling noises, such as fireworks, guns, and storms. We had a nasty storm blow through a couple weeks ago. Sophie hides and shakes non-stop. Sometimes she squeezes her chunky butt under our bed, hides behind the toilet, in the closet, or somewhere near me. I knew she was hiding because it was storming, I looked to see what the clattering was coming from my printer and voila, she was laying on my printer mashing buttons and shaking. Usually, when it gets like this, I take her to bed with me, pet/hug her and turn the tv on to try and cover up some of the outside noise. So this, is a fearful little Sophie being a big chicken.